Thursday, October 3, 2013

RELEASE DAY ~ Faith To Endure by Nicole Brightman

Cora Allen thought her dreams had finally come true. She had her 

dream job, amazing friends, and the perfect man, Lord Eric Ashford. 

When he asks her to marry him it seems her happily ever after is on 

the horizon. Until a piece of Eric’s past comes back and shakes the very 

foundation of their relationship. Cora never thought he would keep 

secrets from her. Secrets everyone knows, except for her. His family 

won’t accept her, and Eric doesn’t trust her. Cora begins to question if 

them being together is what’s best for anyone. She wants to be with 

Eric but if she can’t handle being Lady Ashford, maybe she should leave 


How could so much go wrong in one day? Lord Eric Ashford’s life 

seemed perfect. He was surrounded by the people he loves most in this 

world and about to announce his engagement to the love of his life. 

Then suddenly everything is in chaos. Cora’s gone. All she left is a letter 

telling him he’s lost her. He refuses to accept that; Lord Eric Ashford 

doesn’t lose, ever.

About the Author: 

Nicole Brightman is passionate about reading and writing. She loves to read just about anything 

she can get her hands on. She is a Harry Potter mega-fan and has read the books enough to 

have to replace them. She enjoys reading stories where love concurs all in multiple genres.

Nicole is also a busy mother of two year old triplets. She spends most of her time doing various 

activities with them. She also enjoys baking and gardening. Nicole has lived all around the country 

and is currently residing outside of Seattle. She adores the Pacific Northwest with its varied terrain and 

mellow disposition. Her current home is also in close proximity to her favorite shoe store, making it 






Barnes & Noble: coming soon

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